Mullane Literary Associates
Reset Your Child's Brain by Victoria Dunckley

Praise for Victoria Dunckley’s Reset Your Child's Brain
“This practical and easy-to-read guide is a much-needed wake-up call for this digital age. Buy Reset Your Child’s Brain for your family, your school, and your local library.”
Kerry Crofton, PhD, executive director of Doctors for Safer Schools,
author of A Wellness Guide for the Digital Age
“Impressively researched, eye-opening, and eminently practical…an invaluable contribution to any parent’s library. Dr. Dunckley’s plan is sure to provide relief to a great many children and their families.”
Craig Malkin, PhD, Harvard Medical School, author of Rethinking Narcissism
“Readers will . . . feel relieved to have such a helpful guide to teaching children that there is more to life than staring at a screen.”
Publishers Weekly
“Dr. Victoria Dunckley has given every child psychiatrist and pediatrician in America a wonderful gift….a tool to share with the parents of the millions of children in the US who are agitated, unfocused, and out of control….I completely agree with her premise and her interventions. Thank you!”
Scott Shannon, MD, integrative child psychiatrist,
author of Please Don’t Label My Child
“The more that books like this expose the problem, the sooner we will be moving to a higher and more secure state of well-being!”
John J. Ratey, MD, Harvard Medical School, author of Spark
“This book looks at how electronic media use can affect the central nervous system long after the offending device has actually been used....Dr. Dunckley outlines issues in diagnosis, in assessment, and most important, in treatment for battling and resetting the brain to overcome the rapidly emergent condition of Electronic Screen Syndrome.”
Dr. Kimberly S. Young, director of the Center for Internet Addiction and
“A convincing case....Citing medical research as well as her work with hundreds of patients, Dr. Dunckley explains how electronic media overwhelm children’s nervous systems and impair their physical and mental functioning. Families who follow her practical approach to discontinuing electronic screen-time will see dramatic improvement in their children’s health and behavior.”
Jessica Solodar, award-winning medical journalist
and former medical writer for Massachusetts General Hospital
“Parents are constantly asking, ‘What are the effects of screen use on my kids, how much is too much, and how can I regulate the use of screens by my kids?’ Finally, thanks to Dr. Dunckley’s Reset Program, parents have the answers and the tools to work on a solution!”
Ann Corwin, PhD, MEd, parenting education consultant,
“Parents will probably recoil from the idea of taking their children’s cell phones and laptops away from them. Let them know that Dunckley acknowledges the mountain that she is asking them to climb and, not only gives them thorough reasons for doing it, but also a highly detailed plan for accomplishing it.”
Retailing Insight
“Concerned many children exhibiting chronic irritability, poor focus, and oppositional defiance are being misdiagnosed and overmedicated, Dunckley outlines a detailed, step-by-step, four-week program to minimize and reverse the harmful effects of what she dubs Electronic Screen Syndrome (ESS)...Dr. Dunckley’s methods have helped hundreds of children and their families reverse the effects of ESS [and] the book includes practical instructions..along with tips to handle resistance and pitfalls that may occur.”
Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (sponsor of Screen-Free Week)
About the Author
Victoria L. Dunckley, MD, is an award-winning integrative psychiatrist who has appeared as a mental health expert on such media as the TODAY show, NBC Nightly News, and the Investigation Discovery network. In the past ten years, her Reset Program has helped hundreds of children, teens, and young adults who failed to respond to conventional treatment alone. She lives and practices in Los Angeles.